
Lee Gunn, U.S. 

Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired)

Admiral Lee Gunn is a retired U.S. Navy vice admiral with experience in planning for and responding to a variety of national security threats. He served 35 years in uniform, much of it at sea in surface warships and commanded a frigate, a squadron of destroyers, and the Third Fleet Amphibious Force. He also commanded the Navy Personnel Command and was the Department of the Navy Inspector General, serving both the Navy and Marine Corps prior to his retirement. Admiral Gunn then led the Institute for Public Research at CNA for 14 years, initiating scientific and policy research for federal, state and local governments across the fields of health, education, air traffic management, homeland security and justice, and the climate, energy, water and national security. Admiral Gunn now studies and speaks on the U.S. national security implications of climate change, energy usage and water scarcity. He is also a member of the U.S. Global Leadership Council and remains a founding director and executive committee member of the centrist American Security Project, a non-partisan, non-profit policy think tank. Admiral Gunn has a BA in psychology from UCLA and an MS in operations research from the Naval Postgraduate School.

Expertise: National security, public policy