
Pandefense helps organizations across the private, public, philanthropic and nonprofit sectors mount effective and timely action in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our clients span technology, hospitality, entertainment, and other critical sectors of the economy. The pandemic is reshaping every aspect of life as we know it. Even after a vaccine or therapeutic is developed and made widely available, there will be a period of uncertainty and the emergence of a new normal. Pandefense helps organizations navigate this new reality and address their goals and challenges, in a manner that advances the collective effort to defeat the pandemic.

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Strategic Guidance

We advise on near-term priorities such as resuming business operations as well as longer-term planning for future outbreaks and evolving science and regulation. We use a range of strategic planning methods, including scenario planning and tabletop exercises, to prepare leadership teams to make sound decisions in the face of the deep uncertainty the pandemic has created.

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Intelligence and Analysis

We provide analytical support to help make sense of the rapidly evolving pandemic, including situation reports, surveys, data analysis, and forecasting. We can collect forward-looking intelligence on the disease progression and public health response, and develop actionable risk assessments and contingency plans.

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Operational Support

We advise on workplace health and safety to prevent the spread of disease among employees, customers, and communities. We can translate WHO, CDC, OSHA and state/local guidelines and mandates into specific operational contexts, assess upcoming or anticipated changes in regulations over time, and identify best practices based on the latest research.

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Strategic Communications

We develop communications plans that ensure all stakeholders receive accurate, timely, and tailored information about the pandemic and the organization’s response. We also conduct live presentations and Q&A for boards, employees, and others looking to hear directly from scientific experts.

"Through Pandemic Response Organization (PRO), a 501(c)3 nonprofit, our sister organization provides pro-bono advisory services to civil society organizations and low-income countries, with a focus on those supporting disadvantaged and marginalized populations and health professionals on the front lines of this pandemic."